Beyond Limits

/Beyond Limits

About Beyond Limits

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So far Beyond Limits has created 7 blog entries.

The Inner Light

The Inner Light  by Betty Boyd Kathy Davidson has an inner light that is bright as a sunrise. She expresses an internal glow that is hard to beat. She has had multiple sclerosis (MS) since 1991, but you wouldn’t know it. The most common symptoms of MS are tingling, numbness, loss of balance, weakness [...]

The Inner Light2018-04-30T17:58:34-05:00

Special Olympics 2017

Every year we load up our team of horses, riders, and volunteers and hit the road to Gold at the Special Olympics Annual Horse Show. Our riders love this awesome weekend away from home, and are always excited to show off their skills to their parents and peers! Special Olympics is more than just [...]

Special Olympics 20172017-05-01T17:20:20-05:00

Micaela Acree

March 3, 2017 To whom this may concern: It is with great pleasure that I write a testimonial and letter of support for Beyond Limits Therapeutic Riding. My 12 year-old daughter, Micaela, has been in this therapeutic riding school for three years and has been under the instruction of Kristen Moreland, who is [...]

Micaela Acree2017-04-17T17:49:05-05:00

Maya Adams

Riding has helped me a lot with my balance and my communication with the animal and my awareness issues. My favorite part about riding is cantering. I like playing with all the horses. My favorite horse is Baloo. I love my riding instructor, Kristen, she is a really good at making you laugh. [...]

Maya Adams2017-04-17T17:52:50-05:00

Tony Jones

It is with great pleasure I write to you about my nephew Anthony Jones, and his awesome experiences in Therapeutic Riding, and in life. Tony, born into the socially awkward and confusing world of Autism, is now a 24-year-old high school graduate, gold medal Olympian, and working citizen. I am honored and humbled [...]

Tony Jones2017-06-02T13:35:13-05:00

Max Webb

My name is Stacey Webb and I have a 15-year-old son who is both Autistic and Epileptic.  Max has struggled with many issues but the main one had been his speech, he is mostly selectively mute having a very difficult time know what to say and how to say it. Max also has seizures and [...]

Max Webb2017-04-17T17:57:44-05:00

Joseph Knox Williams

Our son Joseph Knox Williams is 31 years old. He has been special needs since birth due to Cerebral Palsy. He began therapeutic horseback riding when he was ten and during the next several years he had riding lessons and competed in Special Olympics. Because of his physical disabilities he was unable to [...]

Joseph Knox Williams2017-04-17T17:54:30-05:00