Beyond Limits Riding Blog
Browse our blog below to read more about who we are, what we do, and the people we’ve helped along the way!
The Strength Within
By Betty Boyd Andrew has great courage and strength that he exudes each day. From birth, the now ten-year-old, was diagnosed with moderate to severe hearing loss, as well as the trials that come along with having autism. Even though there are struggles that come with his diagnosis, Andrew wants to do and be more than the box they seem to put him in. At school, he loves to take attendance for his class, [...]
The Golden Heart
By Betty Boyd Joseph has a “golden heart”, according to his mom. He had to ride a horse, that he had never been on and was still able to go for the gold! His confidence was at such a level that he was able to win a gold medal in Showmanship at a recent Special Olympics 3-day equestrian event. Joseph, a young adult, has Cerebral Palsy (CP), but this has not stopped him from living his [...]
An Interview with Dr. Ira Adams
By Betty Boyd Dr. Ira Adams specializes in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine/Pediatrics at Emory University Hospital. She also is a teaching Professor and is associated with the Medical Development Progress Clinic. A broad definition of Cerebral Palsy is that CP [...]
The Inner Light
The Inner Light by Betty Boyd Kathy Davidson has an inner light that is bright as a sunrise. She expresses an internal glow that is hard to beat. She has had multiple sclerosis (MS) since 1991, but you wouldn’t know it. The most common symptoms of MS are tingling, numbness, loss of balance, weakness in one or more limbs and blurred or double vision. Her prognosis was very grim, and Kathy knew there was a long road ahead. Picking herself up, finding a great specialist that aided in the fight. There is no cure for MS, and at times [...]