Volunteer Opportunities
A Volunteer Experience that will take you Beyond! Looking for a way to give back? Come make a difference and volunteer with us! There are many opportunities to help out with Beyond Limits and we can help you find your fit!
Volunteer Opportunities include, but are not limited to, the following:
Leading or Sidewalking with Hippotherapy
Assisting in Therapeutic Riding Lessons
Daily Grooming and Care of the Horses
Maintenance of Equipment and Barn
Building and Painting Projects
Grant Writing/Fundraising

All first-time volunteers with Beyond Limits must complete our Volunteer Registration Form. This short form will only take you a few minutes to complete, and will help you hit the ground trotting! Once completed, please scan and email it to us or fax to (770) 917-5740. Click the button below to get started.

All volunteers must bring a signed copy of our waivers when they come to their first training session. Volunteers must also provide the waiver again every January for renewal. Just click the link and then print and sign the PDF which will open in a new window, then bring it to your first training session. Click the button below to begin.

Now that the paperwork is out of the way, let’s schedule your first training session as a Beyond Limits volunteer! Let us know your availability and our staff will be in touch with you very soon to get your first training scheduled! Simply click on the button below to contact us and get started on scheduling your first training session.
Are you a returning volunteer with Beyond Limits?
Please complete this annual renewal form and you’re back in the saddle again!