Our schedule is currently full. Feel free to submit a new rider application and we will reach out when space becomes available.
Thanks for your patience and understanding!
Ready to Ride?
We’re excited to have your rider join our team and start Going Beyond! We offer a variety of disciplines and styles of riding depending on your rider’s needs and goals. Different saddles offer multiple ranges of support and assistance, while different disciplines work on multiple levels of coordination and skill. Not sure what’s right for your rider? Ask our PATH Registered Instructor!
Before You Saddle Up…
Before they can get in the saddle, all riders must first complete our New Rider Packet below and print their registration forms. Don’t worry, it only takes a few minutes. Just follow these steps:

All first-time riders with Beyond Limits must complete our New Rider Form. This short form will only take you a few minutes to complete, and will help you hit the ground trotting! Once completed, please scan and email it to us or fax to (770) 917-5740. Click the button below to get started.

Now that the paperwork is out of the way, let’s schedule your first riding lesson! Let us know your availability and our staff will be in touch with you very soon to get your first lesson scheduled! Simply click on the button below to contact us and get started on scheduling your first riding lesson.
Have you already completed these steps and are needing to pay for a lesson? You can do that right here.
Updated Tuition Payment Policy
The new Beyond Limits Tuition Payment Policy went into effect on January 1, 2020, and applies to all riders both current and new. Please fill this out and return to us as soon as possible to avoid any delays in services or lessons.
Are you a returning rider with Beyond Limits?
Please complete this annual renewal form and you’re back in the saddle again!
Please click on the button below to apply for a scholarship to ride. Email the completed form to: info@beyondlimitsriding.org